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Windows 11

Microsoft's newest OS (Operating System) that requires you have a computer that is atleast 3 years old and have TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) built in either your cpu or motherboard.

Friend #1- Hey, are you going to install Windows 11?

Friend #2- I can't because my computer is ass and Microsoft is strict on people with older components

Friend #1- Damn, that's tough

by ImBoredAsHell July 7, 2021

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Windows 11

Microsoft's 4th attempt at shooting themselves in the foot, first with ME, then with Vista, then with 8, and now 11.

Some of the new and innovative advancements of this OS include:
1. Quitting support for almost half of your fucking users (and withholding updates, even security ones from users who already use windows 11 with those CPUs)
2. Changes the location of the taskbar buttons to the middle (Who asked for that?)
3. Require you to sign up with a Micro$hit account to complete setup if you are on the Home SKU.
4. Make it harder to change your default browser from Edge.

Just do not buy that pile of crap. Stick with Windows 10, it's better.

Goddamnit, my PC can't upgrade to Windows 11 because my CPU is more than 2 years old. FUCK YOU MICROSOFT!!

by bruhinator 2000 August 31, 2021

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Windows 11

The reason why people want to switch back to Windows 10, 7, XP, or 2000

Ad: Hey, your windows 10 pc gonna die, switch to windows 11!
Person: PC: let's go back to Windows 2000, but I mod it.

by jrStudiosofficial July 17, 2022

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Windows 11

If you're reading this, please switch to GNU/Linux before microsoft turns you into a microsoft zombie

News Report: Windows 11 turns another person into a zombie, eating the brains of those who don't exclusively use Microsoft products

by Lovethecreeper October 5, 2021

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Windows 11

Heaven and cancer packed in one cock

Some guy: Hey I just upgraded to Windows 11!
Another guy: You mean downgraded?

Basically every Windows 10 user.

by bitchoker December 20, 2022

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Windows 11

If Windows 10 was kick-ass, Windows 11 is 'not-so-much'...and, yeah, brings back memories of Vista, ME but is basically just Windows 10 w/a different start menu and some tweaks...if you run AMD CPUs good luck...Win95, XP, Windows 7, Win 10 were all good...throw in NT4 as well...Windows 11 will have no real identity...bring back that Kat chick who ran the insider program until about a year or so ago...at least she was great to look at and had brains.

You know, Bill seems distracted since those harassment posts...let's issue a reconstituted OS based on Window 10...maybe that will redirect the attention...OK, what do we call it...how about take the length of his dick based on those emails to the board before he was canned and multiply by 10.

Windows 11 needs (but can bypassed, thanks Ratiborus) TPM, which is like saying even if you don't get your period, you still need to wear a mask.

Oh, man, so I noticed that Windows 11 is described in reviews as being more "mac-like" and rounded-off...jeez, it will be years before I upgrade our enterprise to Windows 11...hopefully, by then Microsoft will turn its attention back to corporate customers vs. catering to little children playing video games sans a real 'out-of-phone/face-in-phone life'.

by s6's brother October 30, 2021

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Windows 11

A OS that requires you to be one of the 3 people that have TPM 2.0 and even if you do have it, it will either say "NO YOU DONT HAVE TPM 2" or run like a piece of shit.

Windows 11 in a nutshell:
- Man:Upgrades
- Computer:You need TPM 2.0. You will, however, keep getting updates to windows 10 , aka the trashiest os ever.
- Man:I got TPM 2.0 today, but windows still won't let me upgrade.>:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((

by Omskmapping July 9, 2021

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