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Wine Witch

A skinny mom in her 40's who drinks too much wine

She will have vinegar feet and vinegar tits as a result of all the wine consumption

Feet and tits both shrivelled and pickled like prunes

You are such a wine witch these days

by VeryVisionary July 6, 2023

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Wine Witch

Woman who is a functional alcoholic (drinks more than 1 glass of wine per day)

Typically middle aged with shrivelled tits due to the amounts of alcohol consumption

Tits probably taste like vinegar or lemon juice they are so pickled

She is probably slim though due to substituting food for wine

Have you seen the empty skin bags on that wine Witch?

by VeryVisionary August 19, 2023

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Wine Witch

Important guide to recognising a real life witch. This information could save your life.

None of these things is any good on its own. It’s only when you put them all together that they begin to make a little sense.

1) A REAL WITCH is certain always to be wearing gloves when you meet her.
A witches hands are very wrinkled and rough through broomstick riding and potion making. They have poor circulation due to the amount of alcohol that they consume.

2) Look for the nose-holes. Witches have larger nose-holes than ordinary people. The rim of each nose-hole is pink and curvy. They like the whiff of wine beneath their large nostrils to detract from the smell of dogs droppings.

3) The feet. Most women have naturally small feet but a Witch has men sized feet. Their feet will be hard and coarse.

4) Deflated saggy breasts. From the expression colder than a witches tit. The deflation occurs through the alcohol consumption as does the poor circulation making them very cold. A Witch will hide these through push up bras and tops that show no cleavage. A WITCH will be hard to spot.

5) Belching. A WITCH will often belch. Partially through the nervousness of getting exposed and partially due to the amount of alcohol that they consume.

6) Alcohol. Witches love Alcohol, but doesn't everyone. Yes but a Witch drinks it daily. They need the buzz to warm their cold hands and cold saggy breasts.

Take care out there and beware of the Wine Witch

by The Milk Man Cometh July 12, 2024

Wine Witch

Wine Witches are easily identified. They will usually be holding a glass or bottle of wine. If not holding a glass or bottle of wine then look at their body. A Wine Witch will be slim with empty deflated boobs, She will also have rough dry hands. Wine Witches usually have larger than normal nostrils through sniffing wine.

Alcohol contributes to dehydration while reducing skin elasticity. In many cases, making lifestyle changes to cut down on these vices can improve breast size, shape, and the overall firmness of different body sizes.

Watch out for that one she's a Wine Witch

by The Milk Man Cometh July 15, 2024