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n. Unpersuasive political and/or absurd rhetoric advanced by a <a href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wingnut">Wingnut</a> normally in support of an irrational, but deeply held, conservative viewpoint.

The political views of a right wing nut.

One can often find examples of <a href="http://thecommanderguy.blogspot.com/search/label/Wingnuttery">Wingnuttery</a> by reading the political opinions of contributors at <a href="http://corner.nationalreview.com/">The Corner</a>.

Example: Did you read that Op. Ed in the National Review about George Bush being the Greatest President ever? The Wingnuttery in that article was especially mind numbingly stupid.

by Comrade Heracyltus April 2, 2009

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