some crazy cold temperatures in north america (canada winnipeg manitoba) winter months that range from -25 to -50 Celsius or -13 to -58 Fahrenheit
it involves frigid cold or decently warm (-25) but with massive wind chill so its just never nice weather. even when it seems like its getting better you get hit with snow, hail, windchill, blizzard or all of the above
G1 man its freezing out here with this blizzard it feels like a winnipeg winter
G2 no kiddin -45 is crazy how do them habs deal with it every year or even every week
G1 man california people think its cold when its +15 celcius they need to come up north and experience some winnipeg winters heck they wont even make it to the border its so cold
G2 ya hey id like to see some southerners have some Winnipeg weather