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wookie wookie

another term for sex, especially when referring to it in the kitchen

Wookie Wookie in the kitchen
Machoman is on a mission
Wookie Wookie in the kitchen
Mumsillybabba, mumsillybabba

I'm so hot I'm always steaming
Baby baby you're not dreaming
More and more baby give me more
I'm a living microwave oven
Turn me on for a meal of loving
More and more baby give me more

Bubbling bubbling super beans
Splashing on my shirt and jeans
More and more baby give me more
Mixing trixing super drinks
I've got all the vitamins
More and more baby give me more

Machoman's food is so fine
Any day and any time
Let's do some

by Lizzy & Lindsey April 18, 2008

25👍 12👎

Wookie pookie wookie bear

form of a slur used to your friends to call your friends by name to say hi and other worms
also without the bear it is used to say they have a big vigana or ass or dick for both genders

Whats up my "wookie pookie wookie bear"
"would you smash"
"hell nah she/he has a huge wookie pookie wookie"

by Ihatewookiebears August 19, 2023

5👍 39👎