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A word generally meaning "Hooray for the small woodland carnivores" and "Hooray, I'm a fox, your a fox, we're all foxes". Used to express excitement or happiness. Similar to "Yay"

Person: "I made you a sandwich."
Other person: "Wootfox!"

by Hoopfox August 25, 2006

12👍 4👎


A word generally meaning "Hooray for the small woodland carnivores" and "Hooray, I'm a fox, your a fox, we're all foxes". Used to express excitement or happiness. Similar to "Yay"

Person: "I made you a sandwich."
Other person: "Wootfox!"

(Assuming other person like sandwiches)

by Hoopfox August 24, 2006

8👍 3👎