Source Code

word word word word word word

poopa stinka

poopa 2 word word word word word word word word word 92

by Word word word word word April 10, 2021

4👍 18👎

word word word word word

when you dont know song :skull:

Hey check it out! The new hit song is playing! Let's sing it~! "yeah blah yeah yeah oh word word word word word! word word word word word!"

by lol you see this? --> July 3, 2023

2👍 2👎

word word word is the word

bird bird bird is the word

word word word is the word not bird bird bird is the word

by hddddddddddddddddddddddddddsjk April 16, 2024

word or word or word and word

Message that RoVer and Bloxlink discord bots say while verification and you have to put it in your Roblox profile to verificate that you own that account.

Person 1: *Verificates in Bloxlink BUT forgets to remove code from profile*

Friend of Person 1 that dont use Discord: wtf why this guy has "word or word or word and word"... weird *unfriends*

by notweirddude July 3, 2020