Source Code

Work night

The night before a work day

"Tonight is a work night"

by zman4593 May 30, 2016

71👍 5👎

Work Nights

Slang for Prostituting.

Janet: "Where do you get all this money from?"
Dahlia: "I work nights."

by sskipperr September 25, 2009

24👍 3👎

Hotter than a whore's belly after a hard night's work

Very very hot. Can be temperture or being hot as in sexually hot.

1. It's hotter than a whore's belly after a hard night's work in here.
2. That Kathy is hotter than a whore's belly after a hard night's work.

by Deep blue 2012 May 1, 2010

5👍 4👎