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def 1: soulja boy's way of telling the world he's too cool for school.
def 2: what shanks yells at pizzy when he comes in the room!
def 3: the inscription on pankake's plaque.
def 4: what luke is.

"youuuuuuuuuuu pizzy! get the fonk outta here!"
"oh plaque, you look so sharp"
"oh plaque, did you pack on a few? i see seabiscuit's been rubbing off on YOUUUUUUUUU!"

by paolo123 November 10, 2007

14👍 25👎


a word that oscar d. friedman uses too much.

it was like youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

by Willasdfjkl; November 11, 2008

3👍 4👎