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The competition to yap the longest.

Those people are yapping at the Yapathon.

by theurbandictionarier May 7, 2024

2👍 1👎


A marathon, but for yapping.

Ugh.. This English Essay is going to be a yapathon.

by MR.Noop May 29, 2024


When someone's been yapping for so long they might as well have just ran a marathon with how much energy they spent talking even when nobody else cares

dude 1: have you even listened to dude 3?
dude 2: I haven't cared to since he started his yapathon

by Tbblobnoern March 9, 2024


yapping as much as a marathon

holy fuck dude your on a fucking yapathon

by yapaholic554 February 22, 2024


yapping, but make it a competition. used in slang, usually along with other words that involve the word “yap.”

person 1: “so basically like what if the earth was a triangle and cows flew and then what if my bf left me!?”

person 2: “nah she’s def winnin the yapathon rn”

by jossbug14 February 27, 2024


When someone yaps so much it becomes marathon of intense moments and massive plot holes and distractions. A yapathon is a beautiful moment into someone’s mind where you can see and hear every cog turn in their head getting everyone more confused.

Sorry that became a yapathon

Sorry pretty boy your in for a yapathon sit tight get some popcorn

by March 16, 2024


A group of people or a singular individual who can't stop talking about a whole bunch of hooey, to the point it seems like they are in a race to see who can yap the most.

"Well, according to my calculations, inertia is the resistance of an object to any change in its motion. It's a property of matter where an object will remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an extern.."

"He's in a yapathon right now."

by HeyIMakeUpWords February 26, 2024