Source Code

Your period

Rolling around in absolute death

Are you on your period?

Yes I've been rolling around in death almost aaallll day *sob*

by allymcmiddle March 3, 2016

11👍 5👎

Throwing your period.

The act of being unusually rude or hateful towards someone/something due to emotional instability, for example PMS.

"Barry told me that I looked like a complete imbecile with this haircut, do you agree?" "Don't listen to him. His girlfriend broke up with him an hour ago and he's throwing his period on everybody."

"Why would you do such a thing?! You know I hate it when you leave the toothpaste tube on the bathroom sink!" "Jeez Marcy! Would you stop throwing your period on me?"

"About last night..." "No need to apologize, it was understandable. My bipolarity makes me like that, sorry for throwing my period at you." "What did you say?" "Throwing your period. Haven't you heard about it? There's a definition on UD.

by OccasionalPeriodThrower November 16, 2016

2👍 1👎

Are you having your period?

A term you say to your friends, mainly male friends if you have any moral code. You only say it to them when they are angry or very mad. I wouldn't recomend saying it to them if they are angry at you and are on the verge of stabbing you with something.

Friend: Shut the fuck up
You: Are you having your period?

by Shaginji May 23, 2008

27👍 19👎

Your done period

When a GIRL gets mad at you she says "YOUR DONE PERIOD"only when she is really nagged

Boy-1 That bitch told "Your done period"
Girl Come here :)

by hehapepa April 29, 2024