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z sofia

what is a z sofia?

z sofia (n.) are most commonly found roaming the streets of budapest and/or nearby villages. more often than not, the z sofia will be spotted munching on lángos and blasting dübörög a ház on repeat while simultaneously photographing and classifying every dog variety that passes. a z sofia is a chopstick natural, even the slipperiest of noodles the z sofia handles gracefully. the best way to call a z sofia over is the act of making kissing while patting ones knees, very much like calling a pupper. z sofia's naturally prey on liams who have little defense against z sofias advances. the only known predators of the z sofia are kitchen counters and vodka shots.

bro 1: fuck dude i woke up cold as shit this morning bc my blankets were gone
bro 2: idiota, u gotta hold on to that shit or a z sofia might take 'em

by huszarlany69 May 9, 2018

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