Source Code

Power Shit

A simple procedure to maximize shit velocity and efficiency.

1. Clench (Anus)
2. Tense (Abdominal Muscles)
3. Push (Whilst Tensing and Clenching)
4. Release Force (Continually pushing though the entire process)

Oliver Weeding took the nastiest power shit the other day

by Shit Police February 6, 2020


A more intense version of "foig." Foig tends to be a Vancouver word, much like the word "ceeb." The origins of both words cannot be certain though in terms of which school started using them first. In this case though, VC started troig along with its many extensions. Troig means tripple foig, hence a more intense version of foig.

Jack "Yo that big foig is walking towards us, lets all call him a troig when he walks by... TROIG!"

Andrew "hahaha what a Lloyd!"

by Lloydminmarc February 4, 2009

34👍 13👎


really good

when something is heaps good you say wow zelly thats godlike!

by zelly5555 May 20, 2009

27👍 16👎

pete yorn

Pete Yorn is one of the greatest songwriters ever. You've probably heard "For Nancy ('Cause It Already Is)" or "Come Back Home" on the radio. His first album, musicforthemorningafter, is one of the greatest records ever made.

"PY rocks!"

by sonny-boy August 20, 2003

47👍 13👎


Someone how is always fucking a guy

Ainsly is definitely the biggest slut in our school

by Posisnktgahnd August 30, 2017

4👍 4👎


A highly attractive individual, used to describe both the body, mind, and soul- as cancerous as it sounds, Girls eat it up, unless she's that one girl that is intent on being difficult.

"Meagan is the most beautiful girl in the world, her body is perfect, her heart is pure, and all that fun stuff."

by PsychoSanity September 15, 2014

plasma grenade

highly entertaining grenade weapon from the game HALO which sticks to other players and vehicles, best used in combination with active camo to sneak up on people and stick the grenade to their face (esp snipers) and run off laughing (usually shouting "bye bye" as you do)

"what's that blue thing on my hea- awww son of a..." *explodes*

by Shadow Sword March 22, 2004

42👍 44👎