from Game of Thrones: a person who doesn't know the hardships of winter
often used when someone has no experience with a particular (stressful) thing
"Oh, you still have a lot to learn about fangirling and otp's, my sweet summer child."
1987๐ 436๐
the act of a cat sticking its tongue out slightly without realizing it, often for long periods of time
Tiger is just sitting there with a blank look on his face and an adorable blep.
2705๐ 217๐
The state of being super attractive or burning up by the sun/fire.
Example 1:
Person 1: Did you see that kid, Cole over there with the tan six pack and floppy hair?
Person 2: Omg!!!! He is hot af
Example 2: Wow! That sun is hot af.
1120๐ 202๐
Someone who is relegated to the sidelines so much that they're not even a cuck, they're the person in charge of giving the cuck a blowjob to get the cuck hard so that the cuck can sit in the corner and masturbate using his own tears as lube while someone else fucks his wife.
Lamplighter: I was gonna do great things. I almost did. Now look at me. I'm like the cuck, in the porn, sitting on the sidelines while the real heroes are out there doing the fucking.
Hughie: You're not the cuck. I'm the cuck.
Lamplighter: Actually, you're worse. You're the cuck fluffer.
- Source: The Boys S2E07
1545๐ 280๐
A dad movie is the kind of movie that fathers watch and advise you to watch.
This kind of movies usually contain middle aged dudes beating other dudes and winning the love of their lives
Ex: hey son! have you ever seen Braveheart? it's one of my favorite movies
other examples for "dad movie"
-die hard
-the Godfather
-the untouchables
1283๐ 207๐
refers to the tendency of punk shows (especially house shows) to start well after their advertised start time
I showed up to that hardcore show at eight like it said on the flyer, but the first band didn't start until eleven. fucking punk time.
789๐ 181๐
A rhetorical question asked, usually on social media, to embarrass them with any online content from their past if they ever contradict themselves or have a very unpopular opinion.
Jake: Youโll never catch me begging a girl to talk to me cause she belongs to the streets!
Ashley: This you? *shows screenshots of Jake proving otherwise*
1790๐ 140๐