Combination of "whey" and "waifu".
Whey is a milk-based protein used by fitness people for building muscle.
Waifu is a term coined by otakus for their fictional anime/manga wives.
A wheyfu is a girl, real or not, who hits the gym for strength and you find attractive.
"Look at her muscles and how gorgeous she is. I'll make her my wheyfu!"
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When two parties knowingly meet each other for the first time (most likely over the internet), knowing that the key reason is to have intercourse.
Friend: "So what ever happened with that girl that friended you on Facebook?"
Response: "In simplest terms, Meat and Greet. Meat with an A"
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The relief and nostalgic feeling one has about a time in their life when it is about to end, even if the time was completely miserable.
(the day before high school graduation)
Senior: I'm really gonna miss this place...
Friend: Dude, you spent the four shittiest years of your life here. That's just the graduation goggles.
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when a remake contains a lot of new material; A remake that also doubles as a sequel.
Gunstar Super Heroes, NiGHTs 2, and Casino Royale could be considered requels.
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Tea dance, often abreviated as just "tea", is a term for "happy hour" used among men and women in the gay community. Not necessarily just one hour.
The term can also be qualified by Kight" and "low" to qualify the time of day it occurs. Low tea typically takes place earlier in the evening. High tea is later. And in some larger gay resorts, such as Fire Island, there is even mid-tea which takes place between the two.
On his way to the tea dance, Jason was very concerned that he would run into the troll he slept with the night before.
Steven always drinks too much at high tea. His friends are tired of watching him puke in the harbor.
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The art of removing words from a sentence (or a sentence from a paragraph) to change its context completely. Used commonly in movie posters when a film critic in their review has said something uncomplimentary. Also known as "false attribution" and is related closely to "quotation mining".
A movie or theatre critic may have reviewed the piece saying "The whole thing was a terrific bore, I laughed out loud at the ineptitude of the actors..."
The contextomy on the poster would then read: "Terrific! I laughed out loud!"
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1. Noun. The physical sense of repulsion upon encountering a concept or situation one finds disgusting.
2. Noun. A situation or concept which engenders this reaction.
3. Verb, transitive. To cause someone to have this reaction.
4. Verb, intransitive. To experience this reaction.
The concept of the "squick" differs from the concept of "disgust" in that "squick" refers purely to the physical sensation of repulsion, and does not imply a moral component.
Stating that something is "disgusting" implies a judgement that it is bad or wrong. Stating that something "squicks you" is merely an observation of your reaction to it, but does not imply a judgement that such a thing is universally wrong.
The statement "kiddie porn squicks me" and "kiddie porn disgusts me" may both be true. In my case, the second sentence is true, and I assume that the first is also true, but, having never encountered it, I have no way of knowing for sure.
In general, distinguishing between "squick" and "disgust" is an important part of living in a tolerant society.
It is my contention that most anti-gay attitudes, for instance, are the result of people finding that gay sex squicks them -- and, because they don't know about the concept of the "squick", they assume that gay sex DISGUSTS them, which implies that there is something morally objectionable about it.
Joe loves hot wax, needles through sensitive parts of his body, cutting, and flogging -- but tickling? That squicks him.
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