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Economic Stockholm Syndrome

The behavior and attitudes exhibited by victims of financial subjugation, causing then to identify with and even defend their oppressors.

Q: Hey, what's up with Matt? His Dad is on social security, his mom got laid off, his sister's kids get free school lunches, he collects federal financial aid for college, and he only makes minimum wage working at Walmarts. Yet he keeps talking about how we need to cut taxes for the wealthy and quit spending so much on social programs.
A: Yeah, he thinks he's going to be a millionaire soon. He's got Economic Stockholm Syndrome.

by Woody Rollins August 23, 2011

2317πŸ‘ 885πŸ‘Ž

late capitalism

The advanced stage of unmanaged capitalism in which corporations and the wealthy, having run out of quick and easy paths to profit and economic growth, begin cannibalizing the societies in which they operate instead of investing in them.

Features: Declining wages for workers, privatization of government, dismantling of social services, sale of cultural & national heritage, debtor's prisons, corporate invasion of people's personal lives, and punishment (and ultimately enslavement) of the poor.

A: Did you hear that Zuckerberg is tearing down the national park to build his new fortified megamansion?
B: Yeah dude, wanna go to the Pepsiβ„’-sponsored protest against it later?
A: Truly, late capitalism is the best system to live under.

A: Did you know that boomers can now spend $8,000 to get transfusions of children's blood so they live longer?
B: Haha, late capitalism strikes again!

by ZUCK_NEEDS_UR_BLOOD June 5, 2017

1972πŸ‘ 1168πŸ‘Ž

Physical Distancing

Formerly known as social distancing. The act of connecting, caring, communicating, and socializing with others while keeping space between bodies and following the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for good health during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

No, dude. I’m not gonna shake your hand, I’m practicing physical distancing. Please take a step back and give me a call later.

The term Physical Distancing was suggested by therapist and author Jennifer Hamady, in an article for Psychology Today on March 19, 2020. The World Health Organization then shifted to using the phrase physical distancing rather than social distancing.

by LeggingsAndBeets March 24, 2020

1701πŸ‘ 269πŸ‘Ž


Sex during the Coronavirus time of social distancing.

My fiancΓ© and I are practicing social distancing by ordering take-out and engaging in coronalingus.

by xoMarilynxo March 19, 2020

6766πŸ‘ 1247πŸ‘Ž

Grim Milestone

A phrase commonly used by in the mainstream media to denote the quantity of an undesirable occurance reaching a multiple of ten.

Casualties in Iraq have reached a grim milestone - 10/100/1000 in the 10/100/1000 days since the overthrow of Saddam.

by Latte Libertarian October 6, 2006

1053πŸ‘ 378πŸ‘Ž


Donald Trump loyalists

MAGAts will defend their hero Trump regardless of the damage it does to American democracy .

by Semolina Pilchard February 19, 2018

3903πŸ‘ 8486πŸ‘Ž


Upperwear is the wardrobe you create when you work on line or on TV and are only 'seen' from the waist up.

During video calls and meetings she wore professional looking Upperwear, such as blazers with pearls, while at the same wearing jogging pants.

by julietis July 31, 2017

4014πŸ‘ 703πŸ‘Ž