a Chinese internet slang equivalent to “收收味” meaning literally "stop emitting your odor", used to criticize people who's being overly dramatic in one's actions or speech in the public/online. You can use "show show way/收收味" to ask those people to behave more appropriately.
-If only I could become Miss Diana's pet puppy...
-Show show way!
1138👍 178👎
A word that is used on the internet (sarcastically) to point out if something is scary, however, the use of it is commonly seen on YouTube videos featuring the song of: Spooky Scary Skeletons in accompany of another popular phrase: "You have been spooked by the spookeh skeleton"
Another common (sarcastic) alternative is "3spooky5me" which is an even bigger over used joke.
John: Wow this song is great, I wonder why so many other people have watched this...
*scrolls to comments*
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ u have been spooked by the
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄spooky skelenton
John: 2spooky4me
573👍 193👎
A person who resides in an area who is well known by locals and can often be seen around the place
"Oh look at that guy over there I saw him the other day as well"
"Oh yes he lives here, he's our horseback Jesus"
382👍 572👎
An elder otaku. The highest population of oldtaku are Gen X-ers and Millenials. These otaku were around when anime was on VHS tapes and/or during the transition from VHS to DVDs that had to be purchased in stores such as Suncoast or SamGoody. They most likely watched anime on Midnight Run and pirated anime on their windows 95. Oldtaku are not restricted to watching only vintage anime, however if you tell them you are a fan of Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop you better be talking about the originals.
Look at all those oldtaku in 90’s cosplay.
406👍 226👎
The amount of precipitation that is more than a mist but less than rain.
It wasn't raining when I walked out to my car but by the time I got inside I was covered in fog juice and wet from head to toe
612👍 212👎
A narrative where it's conflict lies with characters not recognizing or being oblivious to key information that would resolve the conflict,hence the name "idiot plot" because everyone involved is an idiot.
Tom:Hey have you seen an Uwe boll movie?
Jim:No,but I would like to.
Tom:Don't waste your time his film always contain the Same idiot plot .
213👍 133👎
A group of female professionals, typically with medical backgrounds, who have linked together with the common purpose of educating peri/menopausal women about their rights to receive up-to-date information about the overwhelming benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The menoposse's remit expands beyond advocating for a women's right to access HRT (a.k.a menopausal hormone therapy) for the symptoms of menopause to the use of HRT for to support women's brain, bone, genitourinary and heart health long into old age. The menoposse is active in advocating changes to the US governmental and medical systems to support the rights of peri/menopausal women on the topics of HRT and other therapies to enhance their quality of life.
The menoposse advocating for all women's right to access vaginal hormone therapy to address genitourinary syndrome of menopause.
175👍 145👎