Source Code


1) to cause friction during intense situations
2) an unnecessary contribution of verbal, physical, and/or emotional aggression

Film Reference - Tarantino, "Reservoir Dogs":
"...Managers know better than to fuck around, so if you get one that's giving you static, he probably thinks he's a real cowboy, so you gotta break that son-of-a-bitch in two..."

Musical Reference - Everlast, "What It’s Like":
"...And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walkin' through the doors,
They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner, and they call her a whore..."

by Alan King September 25, 2004

664πŸ‘ 263πŸ‘Ž

No Wukkas

Abbreviation of "no wuckin' furries" which is a less vulgar derivative of "no fuckin' worries".

Australian origin.

"Can't make it out tonight - no money!"

"Ahhh no wukkas mate - I'll lend you a score"

by in-effect July 6, 2004

767πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž


A Nice Car , usually expensive.

Damn, Check out that Tight Whip! That's them G's right there!

by Super D March 28, 2003

3578πŸ‘ 1502πŸ‘Ž


to keep the body hair trimmed

When he took of his shirt, it looked like he was still wearing a sweater. I think a little manscaping is in order.

by Pinkenstein April 28, 2004

936πŸ‘ 290πŸ‘Ž


A person who can be spotted with the iconic white standard iPod earbuds in their ears.

Derived from a combination of iPod and Pedestrian.

I saw 3 podestrians wait for a bus.

by aelso January 19, 2005

991πŸ‘ 297πŸ‘Ž

drop the needle

To play a vinyl record.

We dropped the needle and rocked out to Led Zeppelin.

by Trout October 2, 2003

693πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


The sound of a quick kiss when voice is also used.Also the sound of lips smacking in a kissing motion... MWAH.. especially expressive over distances of 10+ metres...one of the nicest sounds, very flirty!

blowing a kiss to a friend over distance..

by Al January 20, 2004

1926πŸ‘ 2518πŸ‘Ž