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U.S. "blue states"

The small number of states where the majority of the citizens chose to elect a Giant Deusch instead of a Turd Sandwich for president.

"Not a huge fan of Kerry but how can a guy support freedom but oppose gay marriage? People came to this country to escape those types of restrictions. My wife and I are still a straight couple even if the gay ciple next door gets married. There contrat is completely separate and unrelated to ours. Even though I think gay marriage is gross, it's really nobody's else's business but theirs."

by #14012008011413070515180705 May 22, 2005

24👍 26👎

U.S. red States

The Amercian location in which most people decided to vote for Bush because they care about the community and are smart enouf too understand that the key to having freedom is telling other people what they should and shouldn't not do.

How can you not support the war in Iraq? Our boys are dying for your freedom and safety and oil? It doesn't matter if you don't agree with the terms of war we're in it now so give them your unconditional love and don't think twice about it! I'm not going to sit back and let things like freedom and education get in thee way of what my grandmother told me her interpretation of the bible means. I believe in god and he loves us!

by #14012008011413070515180705 May 22, 2005

11👍 31👎