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kING C A.K A Carlo

He has many names how ever most know him as Carlo, he is a Alien to this planet and is awaiting his for his mother ship to finally trace his beacon so he can finally leave! He has however mastered the human language known as SARCASM, he clearly has no real taste he doesn't like Marvel or Taurus and he is a real Asshole! However, once you actually sit through this painful process of getting through his defectiveness , he is actually a real Gem, you can tell him all your secrets, although he really does listen, he forgets them all in a few days. He has a heart that is big and cares more than he will let on, he is funny in a way that not many people are, actually he isn't like many people at all, he is an Alien after all.
He is a good friend and a great Dad and I believe he is as loyal as a dog. So if you ever have the privilege of finding this rare person, give him a chance! Take him for a bike ride, just don't take him off his bike!

by #Wench October 30, 2019