A person that truths everything that is seen, heard, smelled, touched and felt.
Man she sure is hip-erbolic. She calls it as she senses it. Sheâs a truth teller. What an amazing ð person to be so very in tune with her perceptions. Sheâs amazingly hip-er-bolic. More people need to be hip-er-bolic.. the world ð would be a better place if people were truly REAL and BOLD enough to ðin Tune with their authentic selves.
She loves being hip-er-bolic.
A person that uses there senses or intuition as their guide to authentic truth.
A wounded healer is someone that has been deeply wounded from lifeâs tragedies but instead of letting it tear them apart they let the wound propel them into a greater person to themselves and to others. A person that finds there way back to meaning using all their senses. Sight, hearing, touch, taste and intuition. They manage to go beyond survival into thriving!!
Rise wounded healer! Move forward and thrive!!