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The Ideas/Suggestions board on he popular site Neopets.com, or as its more commonly called, "The Anus of Neopets.com". This board is usually jam-packed with board like "plz tnt read this" or other random bullshit suggestions to TNT. Even though TNT never reads these suggestions and really don't give two fucks what you have to say, the little gremlins of I/S continue to post these boards in hopes that their dream paintbrush will soon be created.

The males that chat on this board are usually gay or bisexual and are usually stuckup pricks. A great example of this is a young dickweed named Matty who is indeed, gay, and has a 30 year old boyfriend. The male regulars of I/S are as follows: Pavel (King of I/S whether he likes it or not), Sess, Greyson, Matty, and Andrew.

The females of I/S are usually a little more polite but don't expect to go there as a new person and be welcomed with open arms. The popular "Zaf" will scare you away. :) The only nice female who chats on the I/S is Star, but she doesn't really provide the entertainment that the others provide. Some of the popular females are as follows: Fluffy (self proclaimed "Queen" of I/S), Star, Zaf, Kace/Marina, Dlyan/Tms,Bridget, Sock/Nora/Scnep, and Choco.

The current I/S couple is Choco and Andrew, more commonly known as Andrex (Andrew + Alex(Choco's real name)).
The regulars of I/S used to refer to themselves as I/Sers but that term has slowly died.

The I/S also serves as a punchbag to the other boards of Neopia. It is becoming a target for raids and spam wars from the Neopian Writers board, NW.

I/Sers don't tag their boards, because if you do, Fluffy will probably e-kick your ass.

I/Ser 1: Hey I chat on the I/S board. :)
NWer: *spams you*
I/Ser 2: *smax u*

by $3$$ May 10, 2008

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