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One who is dangerously babe-like.

Oh girl, you are dating a dangerbabe.

by $var November 18, 2011


Queer as fuck.

QAF, is an acronym for Queer as fuck - a political lifestyle of societal subversion challenging traditional rules around gender roles, existing outside of the normative gender binary.

by $var September 21, 2016

Gender Gifted

Gender Gifted refers to a person who's capacity for gender expression exceeds the binary. It is a positive term and can be applied to anyone who enjoys to challenge cis gendered normatives, whether it be in frame of mind, in presentation, or as an ally to loved ones who challenge the binary gender divide.

That person doesn't fit 'he' or 'she' as a pronoun, they're Gender Gifted and would be better addressed by name.

by $var December 12, 2013

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