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fiddlesticks and flapdoodle

a very cool thing that professor yaffle says when he can't believe something. go bagpuss!

ahh fiddlesticks and flapdoodle!!

by :poisonedheart: January 14, 2004

27πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


funny friend :) she has mega hyper turns and love lilo and stitch. there, see, i mentioned stitch. anyway, clowns arnt her best friend but that very much dead evil dark lord monkey might be. flying monkeys rule. want some tomacco?

em: VMDEDLM did a purple shit over there.
me: eww. hey look! flying monkeys!
em: cool!!
me: want some tomacco?
em: wohoo!

by :poisonedheart: January 15, 2004

21πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

roman dirge

only one of THE best comic book artist/writers in the entire universe!! he has an amazing sense of humor and a great talent in both drawing and writing. lenore is brilliant and so are his tattoos! go roman!

...how can you give an example of a person? oh hell go to www.spookyland.com when its back up again im sure you'll get something from there. you have to wait for the web monkeys to finish though.

by :poisonedheart: January 18, 2004

28πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

well darn!

yea, and its mostly said by yokels!!!!

yokel one: yesh maam im liyvin in welldarn jus naw an mes jus gawt me som well darnd-ed sockies.
yokel two: well darn!

by :poisonedheart: January 14, 2004

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


just seemooshkinand it will explain all. heha :)

mooshkinmooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin mooshkin

by :poisonedheart: January 15, 2004

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


hello this is kimberley and here are some of the definitions of mooshkin.

1) a proclomation of feeling i.e anger, happiness, depression etc

2) an insult or name of affection

3) oddities assosiated with me

4) a word to use when youve forgotten the proper name for something.

1) :O!!!! MOOSHKIN!!!

2) you are such a mooshkin

3) ahhh, tis just a little mooshkinism.

4) yea just use that mooshkin over there.

heres an example of me using all definitions of mooshkin in one time:

hey mooshkin go get me one of them mooshkins so i can *stubs toe* OH MOOSHKIN! oh, sorry, just a little mooshkinism.

by :poisonedheart: January 14, 2004

8πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

clockwork mice

the sweet mice on bagpuss that sing all the time and are so cool. some of their names are:
charlie mouse
willie mouse
jenny mouse

(song sung by clockwork mice)
"heres a pin and heres a pingle
porcupines are always single
poor old 'pines they must not mingle
pingle pangle pingle"

(line spoken when mice are told they can't sing)
"mice like to sing. mice not sing, mice not work. MICE STRIKE!"

by :poisonedheart: January 14, 2004

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž