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Another word for Anime which is admittedly much more fun to say. It is an addictive and awesome artform when it is not being used to either tell depressingly boring stories (unless, of course, they feature those cute demon boys.. grrowl) or is used primarily to get illogically big-breasted women into small shirts.
see also: anime

"japanimation pwns american animation any day of the week ;)"

by =^..^= December 5, 2004

30πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


a small, salty, usually crunchy baked piece of.. pretzel.
Comes in an infinite amount of shapes to guarantee you'll buy them.
It is said they originated from a priest who made them to reward children for saying prayers correctly.
They attempted to rise up and assasinate our dictator, Dubya, but sadly they failed and we'll all die.
Oh, and some are covered in chocolate too.

-I ate a pretzel.
-pretzels are nice

by =^..^= December 5, 2004

348πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž


(PWN, p'OWN, poon, pAHWN)
a term coined by someone who slept through keyboarding class, it means to 'own' someone, or , rather, to be better than them at something. Admittedly, it is quite addictive to use it.

jim beats bob at super smash bros.:
jim:"I pwn'd you!"

by =^..^= December 5, 2004

13πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


1. generally the royal daughter of a king/queen/etc
2. a handy term for certain distasted closet cases, more useful if their last name is something along the line of "king"

"did michael trip you?"
"yes, but I've got something in store for The Princess later.."
*malicious grin*

by =^..^= December 5, 2004

38πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A man dressed up in womens' clothes. 'Flamer' is a shortened form of 'Flaming Faggot', a burning piece of tinder. How a man in womens' clothes is comparable to burning tinder is beyond me.

"He is a flamer"
"Look at the flamers!"

by =^..^= November 2, 2004

29πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Hot Topic

The dark hole in which one can buy jingling pants for too much.
However, also home to at least five witty tees.

"look at my massive, jingling bondage pants! I got them at Hot Topic for only $80!!"

by =^..^= February 20, 2005

87πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


"What Would Jesus Do?"
Definitely not the montre of Democrats and other Bible-thumpers..

Lessee.. what would Jesus do about Homosexuals?
Ooh! He would probably beat them, knowing that the White Male is King!

by =^..^= February 20, 2005

12πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž