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Single as of today.

Ieth: That show tonight was great.
Kel: thanks for the ride man I needed to get out.

Ieth: (Driving in the car talking) Yeah he had a thing for _____ for years and she was a cock tease.

Kel: Wait, he told me she chased him and they never dated. she said he chased her down for a relationship and he was a huge liar and I shouldn't trust him.

Ieth: Oh, shit I thought you knew. Don't Break up with him you were the best thing to ever happen to him.
Kel: Too late, I've lost enough including my sanity with this slack ass no good for nothing, non driving asshole of a liar. It's over. Crap man now I have to go shake my home girls hand and tell her I'm an ass. Cluck Men

(Walks threw the door goes to bed and wakes up letting the person Mr. wrong that she is leaving him today:)

by ?????????UntilfurtherNotice;) January 24, 2010

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