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What the fuck were you thinking.

wtfwut when you did that?

by ??^?? May 12, 2008

14👍 3👎


A person who has too much good luck.

He just won the grand prize in five lotteries... the lucky wootinator.

by ??^?? July 25, 2008


Rollerskates made out of ASCII art.

The ASCII characters keep falling off my lollerskates.

by ??^?? June 18, 2008

50👍 58👎


The word "noob" made without using any letters whatsoever and only one number.

That guy's a |\|()()|3.

by ??^?? June 10, 2008

23👍 4👎


A food that looks very similar to a waffle.

The name's origin is from the popular internet acronym meaning "rolling on (the) floor laughing". When pronounced out loud it rhymes with waffle ("RAW-ful"). Although on the outside it resembles a waffle, the inside is filled with the syrup instead of making people pour it on the outside.

But, when it was invented, the syrup had ingredients in it that are used in drugs. In fact, it was meant to BE a drug. People would get tricked into buying them to see what this new design for a waffle was like, but in fact, they were taking drugs. It made people get high and then get addicted. But barely anyone actually noticed that it could be dangerous, because the drug ingredients made them too high to think it could be dangerous. This was how it got its name.

Eventually, people started getting sick and dying. People sued the rofl company, and it went out of buissness. But the doctors had so many patients, and many of them died. Doctors were running out of treatment for patients. Most people got rid of all remaining rofls they had, but some still wanted them. They started making their own, which soon became illegal.

A few people liked the idea of how rofls were designed, and rofls were made with normal syrup. But because of the rofl scare, people wouldn't buy them. That new company (Rofl Inc.) still exists today with a few people who buy them, but because of the unpopularity, people are still wondering how the company is still running. Many people have suggested renaming it so people wouldn't be confused, but rofls still have the same name they did when they were dangerous.

I'll never look at the term "rofl" the same way again.

by ??^?? June 5, 2008

11👍 18👎


A drink related to lemonade. Lmaonade tastes much better however, due to its use of many sweeteners and extra added sugar.

Here, have some lmaonade!

by ??^?? June 5, 2008

59👍 48👎


A helicopter made out of ASCII art. They can turn invisible, which is why nobody sees them in the sky. No one knows how the ASCII characters can stay together, however, but people still make and fly them. Usually used for skydiving.

I took a flight in a roflcopter. All I heard was soi soi soi soi soi soi, but it was the best flight I've ever been on.

by ??^?? June 17, 2008

28👍 55👎