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The Trio

The Trio is 3 beautiful, smart, and talented girls. Kynnedy is the light skin slim-thick baddie, Kayln is the thick light skin cutie, and then you have kyrine the chocolate princess.

The Girls-OMG it's The Trio I wanna be their friends!!
The Boys- Dammnn they fine as hell!!

by @Kenney123 July 26, 2019

2👍 4👎


Kynnedy is a beautiful lightskin girl and if you cross her the wrong way she will speak up and say something. Kynnedy is also a slim-thick talented girl.

The Girls- Look at kynnedy, I wanna be her bestfriend!!
The Boys- Dammmnn she fine as hell, I wanna be her bae!!!

by @Kenney123 July 26, 2019

4👍 2👎