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A devastating mental and physical condition that causes the victim to have a miniature, useless, pancreas resembling a raisin, to become rather scrawny, and constantly reference and quote internet memes. It is genetic and the only soothing action is talking about the condition all the time.

"You were born with the burden of cohnjoffeitis? Oh, you poor soul!"

by @Mr.Toashty March 2, 2017

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Funeral Orgies

When a person dies, their related family and friends go through a rough and rigorous grieving process. Some cry, some get angry, and some even jump off bridges. This has become such a devastating epidemic that funerals have started programs called funeral orgies. These programs, in an attempt to relieve those struggling with the grieving process, see the funeral home hold an open house for a single day to be used for adult shenanigans by those mourning. Similar to Mexico's Day of the Dead where they all celebrate the life of their passed family and friends, it is quite empowering and brings those who knew the deceased closure.

"Man, I was feeling bad, but ever since that funeral orgy, I've never felt better!"
"Hey sis, would you join me at the funeral orgies Saturday and Sunday?"

by @Mr.Toashty March 3, 2017

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Piece of Meat

Synonymous with meat head, when referring to someone as a piece of meat, you're basically calling them doing looking or not mentally there, however physically buff to the extreme. They are exclusively male and don't usually tend to have a lot going on upstairs, and, when spoken to, tend to respond with mere grunts.
If someone is in a relationship with a piece of meat, they aren't in it because of their great personality, as they do not possess one. Instead, they are with them because they are:
1. Desperate,
2. Horny, or
3. Pregnant.
Contrary to science's claims about the missing link, it disproves the theory that man evolved from apes, but that man is actively evolving into apes, as people no longer have to be likeable to mate and instead just have to have something between their legs.

Danny: Who's that?
Tabitha: Him? That's so-and-so's boyfriend .
Danny: Really?
Tabitha: Yeah! She says that he's quite the man.
Danny: Honestly? He just looks like a piece of meat to me.

by @Mr.Toashty February 8, 2018

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Subway slang for warming up one's sandwich sub. When the Subway workers are taking someone's order, they tend to slur their words. So, when they ask if you want to heat or toast your sub, they may say "Do you want it toashted?" It is quite common and makes your interactions with them more personal with such quirks, much like your uncle who slaps his knee every time he makes a corny joke.

Kumar: Hello! Thank you for coming to Subway! How may I help you?
Danny: Ah, yes, could I get a footlong Italian BMT on oat?
Kumar: Okey doke. Would you like it toashted?
Danny: Oh yes! I love a nice, warm sub!

by @Mr.Toashty February 22, 2017

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John Dee

A term that some use to refer to themselves and their friends in the third person. Essentially replacing the name of the person in question, it masks the person's identity and gives off the vibe that they are cool or hip. When someone names their self as John Dee, they are either using such title ironically, or they are trying to express how cool they are. If someone labels someone as John Dee, then they are either trying to say that you are a badass, or point you out as one of their homies. It should be considered as a well-intended, although confusing, complement and reserved for only you and your true friends.

Danny: Hey, Kennedy! How did yesterday go?
Kennedy: Oh, it was great! Yeah, John Dee was tired, but he got into it! Let me tell you!
Danny: Dang! Glad to hear you got loose! And Kyle?
Kennedy: Oh yeah! John Dee got down too! He was all in!

by @Mr.Toashty February 27, 2017

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Getting Your Jollies

To casually engage in sexual relations with another person for the mere purpose of sexual release. It is not intimate and is commonly a one-and-done deal.

"Dude, if you're so lonely, why don't you start talking to Angela? With her, you'll be getting your jollies in no time!"
"Who says you can't be in love and be getting your jollies at the same time?"

by @Mr.Toashty March 24, 2017

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Nappy Tail

When one is tired, their butt muscles are not fully in tune with the rest of the body, and, therefore, tend to sag or droop from their usual, flexed position; the "nappy" referring to the tired state of said person, and the "tail" referring to said person's rear end.

"Boo, get your nappy tail back to bed!"
"Dang, you're droopy! That's one nappy tail you've got there!"

by @Mr.Toashty March 1, 2017

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