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Adjective - Horrocious also spelled Whorocious is a combination of 3 words: whore, horrendous and atrocious
describing the behavior of an individual of any gender that sleeps around a lot, possibly for money
the term implies high maintenance, heavy drama , gold digging, mean spirited cold heartedness, dishonesty and infidelity

So I had a friend who was dating a chick that was a bit wild. One night we were talking and I couldn't help but get the impression that this woman was a freelance prostitute. At one point I intended to use the word horrendous or atrocious to describe her behavior but instead came out with the word horrocious… so it was like a Freudian slip where I called the guy's girlfriend a whore… so I lost a friend that day… but on the plus side, I invented a word.

by @TheSurrealKenbeKnown April 23, 2019

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