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People type this when they are so bored, that they end up typing qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, but you swap the G and the T. Doing this could be the result of a typo, but some may type this out of complete and utter boredumb. Seriously, you're too bored for even qweasdzxcrtyfghvbnuiojklmp??

Gus: Finally! a combination of keyboard letters nobody has defined! I'll just type qazwsxedcrfvgtbyhnujmikolp, NOBODY will have found this one!
Gustav: Nope.

by ∟ August 26, 2022


A really small p. Might be found in a message that went through a subscript text generator.

Catie:ₚ <lmao this p is so small!
Gustavo: shut the fuck up

by ∟ August 26, 2022


An abomination of letters that comes from typing qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm with three extra m's. You probably found this while you were bored, just sitting there pressing the m key repeatedly until you get to a sequence that isn't defined.

Guy 1: I've just been here, aimlessly pressing m. I've gotten to qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmmm, and there's still this definition. Should I really continue this meaningless activity?
Guy 2: wtf

by ∟ June 4, 2023


A state of true boredom. Boredom past simple combinations of the alphabet, or any pattern of keystrokes that make some funny gibberish. All of your previous combinations come together for this example of ultimate boredom.

Beginning with the top horizontal row, the iconic qwertyuiop. You then typed the first two columns on the left, excluding Q and W since you already typed those. Now you have qwertyuiopazsx. You type what's left of the middle row left-to-right, then the last of the third row right-to-left. You go back, swapping random letters. You swap the W and the E, the I and the O, the Z and the S, the K and the L, and the V and the C. Finally, you have qewrtyuoipaszxdfghjlkmnbcv. Either you actually did all that, or you just accidentally found this as a search suggestion.

Guy 1.5: *types this definition* lol i just defined qewrtyuoipaszxdfghjlkmnbcv
Guy 1: What the fuck? why is this like 100 words long?? This is a definition not an essay, dingus. What kind of person would get so bored that they type this ridiculously specific combination of letters?

by ∟ September 28, 2023


A common palindrome used in some older YTPs. Sometimes used as the word "sauce".

"The SoS in the SuuS"

by ∟ August 26, 2022


The letter a with a hula hoop.

Guy 1:Brooo, look at this ⓐ it's using a hula hoop!!!!!
Guy 2: Wow, that is epic.

by ∟ August 26, 2022


The result of a dumb person putting an extra E in the word "Unbelievable". This can come from careless typing, overall stupidity, or possibly a bad translation. But, some people may look this up on purpose. If you did, I don't know what to say to you.

Guy π: Unbelieveable
Guy ω: Stupid idiot, you misspelled "Unbelievable".

by ∟ September 17, 2022