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own the libs

to shoot yourself in the foot in order to show liberals where they can shove their common sense

1. I’m gonna have a big COVID (which is a fictional disease) party to own the libs!

2. Look at my stockpile of horse dewormer! I take one a day to own the libs.

3. I drive this fuel INefficient car and deliberately take detours through the smog-fill city to and from work. Suck it, libs!

by 껀〮 April 12, 2022

20👍 1161👎


A stupid way to say “homeless” like the “er mer gerd” memes but the stressed vowel lacks the rhotic element, is fronted, and unrounded to the max.

The more straightforward meaning denotes an entity (living or not) without ham.

The homeless are usually hamless, but not all hamless are homeless.

That sandwich is hamless. The halal/kosher adherent shall find it a home in his/her stomach.

by 껀〮 October 24, 2024