Rui Kamishiro is a character who appears in Hatsune Miku: Colourful Stage, otherwise known as Project Sekai. He is apart of the side-group named "Wonderlands X Showtime", sometimes referred to as WXS. Rui is eccentric, a risk-taker, but also caring, and playful inventor with a knack for creating even some of the most seemingly hard projects with a sort of ease. He is childhood best friends with fellow WXS member, Nene Kusinagi. He is not CANONICALLY in a relationship with anyone, nor is his sexuality confirmed, but he is often shipped with his side group companions, but please do not mistake this ships as canon. Also he hates vegetables. A lot. Please do not give him vegetables if you see him. And be careful because he's known to use people in his experiments which can be dangerous.
Person A: "Dawg, do you play Project Sekai?"
Person B: "Oh my god, yeah. I love that game. My favourite characters Emu Otori."
Person A: "EMU'S SO COOL. Mine is Rui Kamishiro. What a silly guy. I love him."
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