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Aspergers Syndrome

A real condition that real people have. Someone with aspergers(aspie) May be socially awkward, be an obsessive talker, miss social ques, sensitive emotionally, confused by figurative speech, be intensely creative, and tell the truth constantly, or be easily overwhelmed by light or sounds.

Although people with Asperger’s syndrome are more minor than other cases of autism, Aspies have to deal with bullying often in their lives.

“I think people with Aspergers Syndrome are treated poorly. That’s not right.”

by 🎵🎶🎵 January 13, 2019

12👍 6👎


A nurological disorder where people develop social skills at a unusually slow pace. Autism is not a disease, and it has a extreamly large range of symptoms and severity. Every case is different. Do not criticize or insult autism people because of their autism; first, it’s just plain mean, second, it will not help their social development speed, finally, its part of their identity, respect it.

I am a autistic teenager, I posted this so people would stop calling me and my friends disabled autistics. It’s not okay. I am proud of my identity, including my autism, people should understand that me, along with most other autistic people I know, that all parts of identity should be respected, even autism.

Autistic person -“I have autism spectrum disorder.”
Friend- “no you don’t! You act a lot like everyone else, well, except when you inturupt a lot and get frustrated easily.”
Autistic kid- “yeah I do. I was diagnosed in kindergarten. There are lots of different symptoms to it, and those you just mentioned are mine.”
Friend- “well, I guess everybody’s working on something.”

by 🎵🎶🎵 June 19, 2018

686👍 114👎

Urban Dictionary

The toxic site you are on right now.

The site was meant to help others figure out the meaning of slang terms. Instead we get a bunch of fools adding sexual and discriminatory themes to every word imaginable.

“Urban dictionary is a toxic site filled will edgy kids who lack any maturity whatsoever.”

by 🎵🎶🎵 January 12, 2019

19👍 2👎


The sound normies think autists make. Too bad for them, they make it more than the autists.

Brad-“I heard that kid plays fortnite!”
Chad-“he must be autist. REEeEEeeeeeeE!”

by 🎵🎶🎵 November 26, 2018

39👍 15👎