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They are usually the most stuck up brats. Not athletic at all. Very ugly inside and out. I would not like to be friends with a Brooklynn

Ewwww. Brooklynn

by 📻 January 29, 2019

5👍 22👎


a stanky hoe who thinks people want to take her man. she has bad roasts and says she’ll fight everyone even tho she doesn’t. she’s a fat hippo but thinks she’s thick. she looks like kermit the frog with her big nose and ugly smile.

Olivia is fat

by 📻 April 17, 2019

5👍 2👎


she is the most stuck up brat that will try to steal your man and she most definitely looks like shrek

Damn that hailee bitch looks like shrek

by 📻 April 15, 2019

10👍 23👎