Source Code


Playa Young Thug

"PYT, Playa Young Thug, you need some lovin..." - PYT by Tupac

by Anonymous October 14, 2003

26πŸ‘ 337πŸ‘Ž

A fatal attraction

When you sleep with someone only to wish that you could kill yourself in the morning.

Don't do it, bro. She's a fatal attraction waiting to happen.

by Anonymous November 4, 2003

182πŸ‘ 379πŸ‘Ž


reef= where surfers surf.
Surfer= a person riding a board.

1 board and two waffles...

by Anonymous August 31, 2003

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž




by Anonymous August 30, 2003


Busy to the highest degree

I got down on her an got my Nizzle Bizle

by Anonymous June 18, 2003

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

stupid bastard guy man

First you have your typical bastard guy man, then you have the ones who aren't as sharp: I present to you, stupid bastard guy mans.

Shut that mouth you stupid bastard guy man!

by Anonymous May 27, 2004

19πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


a word referring to the female genetalia

"i was burryin' ponch alllll night long"

by Anonymous December 9, 2002

8πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž