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Emo is short for emotive hardcore: a sub-genre of punk that came about in the 1980s. Since the eighties, the meaning has changed a lot.
Many think that emo is just a fashion. It is true that emos have developed their own fashion - skinny/girl's jeans, tight fitting black t-shirts, make-up, and even a hair-style consisting of a long fringe sweeping over one eye and spiky at the back - but this is not what emo is about.
I see emo as a state of mind. Emotional would actually be a good term, as emos are quite emotional, their mood swinging all over the place. This makes it easier to become depressed. EMOS ARE NOT ALWAYS DEPRESSED.

---some say that all emos cut their wrists. This is FAR from the truth. I will not go into why some do. I have never cut my wrist and I don't want to.----

Emos find roots in both goth and punk culture. It is like goth, but goth is darker, and emo is harder to fake. It is a fashion, a type of music, a state of mind and a way of life.

Opposite: Chav
Similar: Goth

Fake emo (poser): Emos are cool. I'm an emo. I don't think this make-up is dark enough, do I look emo enough?

Real emo: I don't think I can live life much longer... (after five minutes) Woo this is great. Life rocks. (gets to school) Oh gawd, I wanna go home. *gets home* Oh, I wanna go to school.

by -_Forgotten|Soul-_ March 14, 2008

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