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The really wierd song sung by Korn, the best band ever, that goes something like this:

you not rrrh rot
dot n dot n dot per rot
dot n not n dot per

n dot chi cot n dot rrr ah
dot dot ki o ma gri a dot
dot ers a pa ta ko

some play to we
a dot think up a bite rah
sometimes you might
ooh ooh rrrh
we thought we might

dot be mer hot something
what are you ma ah
do bro what are mines is
dot ooh ooh
rot in dot n bite
ooh na na er na he
woo hoo rah
ate no hoo dot er ha
ya dot im wer rah

by -creed- March 23, 2004

15👍 51👎

wat up

what up for people who can't spell...

Wat up dawg. I cant spell fo shit.

by -creed- June 25, 2004

120👍 127👎


A word i just made up

man, theres no such word as tog-sprokets

by -creed- March 26, 2004

41👍 16👎


A mispelling of wassup or wall fixtures...

Steriotypical Black Dood From LA: Yo, homes. Wassoup!

other Steriotypical Black Dood From LA: Yo trippin' man, get off mah balls!

by -creed- March 24, 2004

5👍 9👎

rude boys

the targets of my theory.

MY THEORY: My theory is, that if everyone who will amount to anything in life was allowed to carry shotguns, and shoot anyone who looks to be a waste of space. This would cause the world to evolve into a paradise where no-one believes that putting mariajana into a cigarette cleans your lungs, and no retarded fucks like townies who think "they're 'ard" will survive!

Gimme a shotgun!

by -creed- April 30, 2004

11👍 45👎