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Nice Shoes

An expression usually followed by "wanna fuck" as a very bad chat up line, which does often work. The expression "Nice shoes..." can be said alone, with the hope the other person will realise what you are asking them, if they do and say yes, you've pulled, if they realise and say no, you say "i have no idea what you mean, i like your shoes". It is also an inside joke shared between many, in which "Nice shoes..." is shouted across the room to a friend, then they reply "wanna fuck?!"

Me: "Hey syafiera, nice shoes! *winks*"
Syafiera: "Wanna fuck!?"

by .Blood.Lust. March 27, 2007

375👍 84👎

and what about the

Expression used as an innuendo when a statement is said that could be ambiguous. Largely spread in joke.

Guy1: We took our dogs the park the other day, his was huge!
Guy2: And what about the dog!?

by .Blood.Lust. March 27, 2007

7👍 7👎