A language old people cant understand.
Lets talk in weird Gen Z language so old folks cant hear us
(Old People) What the f*** are you talking about.
I didn't know old people cussed.
14👍 39👎
Where you found your dads marijuana.
(Opens cabinet) Holy Frik theres weed in there.
Big-ass Turkish dogs that you don't want to mess with. They are though to be a mix between a mastiff and a greyhound.
Do you dare me to pet that kangal
Milk Before cereal or cereal before milk.
The most important question Is Milk Before cereal or cereal before milk. Its obviously cereal before milk.
Tiny dogs that think their the size of a friking Karen-mobile. They are good watch dogs but you will never get a good nights sleep.
Dude you dare me to mess with that chihuahua
Huge cars (normally a Cadillac escalade) that the karen's husband bought them. Has dirty seats from all the times her kids spilled there apple juice on the seat.
Look theres a middle aged woman in that escalade driving her kids to soccer practice. She's a karen in a natural habitat. A karenmobile