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1.A type of mistake having to do with grammar *Aldrins/Aldrin type a*

2.A terrible case of stuttering and/or mumbling *Aldrins/Aldrin type b*

3.Slowness. Or Something that causes someone to be slow. *Aldrins/Aldrin type c*

1.DUDE: so, what did you do yesterday?
Guy: dude, yesterday i seen you at the mall
DUDE: OMG you have aldrins type a

2.Boy: i l-l-l-l-l-l-.....l-l-l-..you
Girl: you have aldrins type b!

3.Kyle: dude, my dad's so white, when he orders watermelon from mexicans he asks them for "agua melon"
Stan: *laughs* your dad's an idiot
*10 minutes later*
Cartman: oh i get it....AHAHAHA your dad's a retard Kyle!
Kyle: You're the one with aldrins type c!!!

by .b.b. April 4, 2009

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