Source Code


The way morons spell "threesome".

sonyroolz: hurgle durgle i wanna 3some wiht vincent and sepiroth *fap fap*

by 0niTTRay April 28, 2004

143πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


Another word for sexy...or,uh,the instructor chick from FF8. She has a whip.

If you ever find a woman in real life that looks like Quistis, KEEP HER.

by 0niTTRay April 28, 2004

81πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A floating eyeball that appears late in some Final fantasy games. In addition to the one listed above,you can also find them in FFIV and VI,in the Path to the Core and Kefka's Tower,respectively. The FFIV one has a habit of killing off people with Doom/Condemn,then casting Berserk and Charm on the last men standing. The FFVI one can be Morphed into a Cursed Ring with the Ragnarok Esper,and when controlled can cast X-Zone.

Kain: What the hell?
Edge: Oh shit! An Allemagne! WE HAVE 10 SECONDS TO LIVE!
Rydia: *slap*

by 0niTTRay December 17, 2003

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

maximum exposure

A really shitty reality show.

"Hey wanna watch Max X with us?"
"No,I'm gonna have my teeth drilled on instead."

by 0niTTRay March 12, 2004

4πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Abyss of Lost Consoles

Future resting place of the N-Gage.

A taco shaped cell phone? NOOOOOOOOOO*passes out*

by 0niTTRay March 3, 2004

43πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

super nintendo

The greatest system ever created,without a doubt. Unfrotuantely,most of the original consoles are sun-bleached and cracked,and some of the best games were Japanese exclusives(i.e. Terranigma,Seiken Densetsu 3)

Excellent games,to name a few: Chrono Trigger,A Link to the Past,Contra 3,Super Metroid,Super Mario RPG,Final Fantasy V,Final Fantasy VI,Final Fantasy IV Hardtype,Illusion of Gaia,Donkey Kong Country,Donkey Kong Country 2,Donkey Kong Country 3,Super Mario World,Yoshi's Island,Super Metroid,Kirby Super Star,Seiken Densetsu 3,Terranigma,Mega Man X,Mega Man X2,Mega Man X3,Rockman and Forte,Mega Man 7,Earthbound
Don't listen to wordsony roolz/word either. He will neve come into contact with a pussy in his life.

by 0niTTRay January 19, 2004

64πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

paper mario

The best RPG on N64. Zelda is NOT an RPG.

With Paper Mario,Banjo Kazooie,and Conker's Bad Fur Day,what more do I need on N64?

by 0niTTRay February 3, 2004

163πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž