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A person, place, thing, or action pertaining to extremely excessive partying. Usually involving getting Krunk.

Last night Alex got his durgle on.
Tonight we're going to durgle town.
Kathleen is a durglette, she just drank that whole bottle!

by dbrothers October 25, 2013

12👍 1👎


the act of spreading ideas- as in a fad, a symbol, a word, ect.-to make it become common or popular.

~~~~~~~also the name of a symbol that represents the act of "durgling"~~~~~~~~~

-Stephen drew a picture of a face, which he then planned to durgle around the school, so that everyone would start to draw it everywhere.

-Writing on a bathroom stall is just a method of durgling for teenage girls.

by Common Rose March 28, 2006

6👍 12👎

furgle durgle

When someone under the influence of alcohol or drugs is unable to post a coherent statement online. It usually involves a string of non-sensical characters such as:

I wish you wouldn't furgle durgle so I could understand what you're talking about.

by Bigmeat Thunderballs October 25, 2011

8👍 20👎


A way to describe how you feel when someone messes your perfect, and on fleek, hair.

"I felt so... So... URGLE-BURGLE-DURGLE-MURGLE when Sandra pulled out my pony tail!" >:(

by KitCate February 22, 2016

1👍 1👎