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hazwandy is the greatest singer of all time. he is our super idol de xiao rong 😮 💨😮 💨. he is very popular. hazwandy is lowkey kinda funny hahahahaha🤣🤣🤣. he created boboiboy. he is the twin of upin and ipin. #bald4life #skaterboi #alphawolf #boiboss #alpha #boykeep #

eg. is that hazwandy #unclemuthu🥵🥵?!?!?!?!?

by 123.455 November 24, 2021


weihe is a very toxic person in valorant and likes to scold people. he is hardstuck bronze and is extremely tilted. weihe only personality trait is trying to act like a sussy muthu. he looks like Russell from up so if u have a crush on russell u should hit him up 😁😁 make sure u are a minor‼️#nopedo #nohomo #scouts4lyfers

eg. omg its russell?!?!?! oh wait,its weihe😔😔 check ur eyes 🙄🙄

by 123.455 November 24, 2021


wildon is uh very tall and he likes roblox. he is in love with mai san from rent a bunny girl senpai. he has a weird kink for bunny girls. his personality is very broken 💔🥀 #emohours. his only personality trait is being tall and literally looks down on shorter people. 😭 he has a thing for girls that start with c and end with l. 😳 even though he is very rich but he is very lonely.

eg. omg is that wildon the giraffe😧😧

by 123.455 November 24, 2021