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Victoria is your crazy asian edgy friend. She likes to smoke and tell self depreciating jokes, but can light up any room with her stupid ugly laugh. Not everyone deserves a friend like Victoria but be sure if youre lucky enough to have that blind bitch of a friend you treat her with the loyalty and love she gives to you.

Ew put your feet away Victoria, they repulse me!

by 1234evym May 15, 2019

2👍 80👎


Esmae's got really nice brown curly hair, super lanky but in a good way, and sometimes wears glasses.

She's super loyal to everyone in her life, sometimes to a fault. She is an independent woman but is known to be an attention whore. Her narcissistic sense of humour makes everyone laugh including herself, but we love her for it.

She's the most caring person that you'd have the pleasure of meeting, and if you're lucky enough, she might be in your life forever! (but she a stinky bitch)
She's obsessed with boys, and they'd be really lucky to have her, but she always pretends she hates them and doesn't need love.

If you manage to get some alcohol in her, she'll cry like a baby.

She can be brutally honest but she only means well.

Overall 10/10.

Wow, that bitch Esmae's getting on my tits.

by 1234evym May 15, 2019

5👍 8👎