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Simply the biggest bunch of cocksuckers to grace they Earth. Their roster consists of 3 of the biggest cocksucking bastards. Messi is the one who's good with the balls. Neymar is the one with various assfucking techniques and Suarez is the one who bites all genitals he sees. The team consist of men known to evade taxes and laws, and no one really knows who allowed this team of cocksuckers to soil the beautiful game. Supporters of FC Barcelona are called barka dogs or crybabies. They are usually deemed to be 12 year olds who think they know football when on the contrary, the only player they know is the short fat felching pig called Messi.

Did you see Barcelona lose? Of course not! They buy all the referees. Did you know that some players from Barcelona evade taxes? John tell me something new!

by 1234penguin May 5, 2016

155👍 31👎