1. Completely lost.
2. In an unknown place.
(Mutation of 'Hakawee' Indian tribe from "F-Troop" TV show, which got its name from joke in which lost Indians greet white soldiers and seem to say "We're the Hakawee" but actually are saying "Where the heck are we?")
1. "May as well take a break. LT is fukawee again."
2. "Nearest cell phone tower? I don't know. We're way fukawee."
9👍 5👎
Nonsense, bullshit. See also horse cock
"Horsecock. He can make his own fuel run."
139👍 112👎
Condition of a Middle Eastern nation after a United States attack, particularly a nuclear one. (Refers to the intense heat of a nuclear strike fusing desert sand into 'trinitium' -- a crude, green radioactive glass)
They gas us, we're gonna turn them into a glass factory.
21👍 3👎
Middle Eastern nation, particularly one with a vast desert such as Iraq or Saudi Arabia.
"Just heard the 224th is headed over to the sandbox."
379👍 177👎
1. Acknowledgment, although sometimes not agreement.
2. Excessively rigid or displays unnecessary military bearing.
Believed to have originated with Army Engineers in World War II, who when forced to "Hurry Up And Wait" chanted acronymn - H.U.A.W. - which became today's Hoo-ah. See also hooah
1. "We're supposed to dig a new latrine this morning, then get ready to move out tonight. Hoo-ah."
2. "That new lieutennant is way too hoo-ah."
42👍 22👎