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The people who work their asses off to provide a roof over your head, all the food you eat, the clothes on your back, and all your spending money, only for you to act like a whiny spoiled brat and bash them on the internet.
Helping out with the household chores is not asking for much. YOU go to work for 8-12 hours a day and tell me how much YOU like having to clean up after everyone.

They are not there to ruin your lives. A parents job is trying to raise you so you can deal with life on your own. All those rules you don't like, well guess what? Adults have rules we have to follow to (they're called laws). And speaking of laws, when you get in trouble with the law, we are held responsible for YOUR actions.
So, shut up and cut your parents some slack.

When all of you whiny, ungrateful brats are grown up and have a family of your own, you'll realize your parents were not that bad.

by 13375ki115 March 20, 2012

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