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A place where gays, retards, and mentally unstable individuals congregate to share and justify their experiences with other gays and retards. The users will circlejerk on opinions that represent popular/majority view. If you are not part of the majority then prepare to be bombarded with downvotes, death threats and attempted witty remarks.

reddit user 1: Here is a video of my gay and retarded son shitting on himself and then eating it! (5494 upvotes)
reddit user 2: wow so brave!! have an upvote! (498 upvotes)
reddit user 3: so cute! my son is also gay and retarded. (300 upvotes)
reddit user 4: this is disgusting (6825 downvotes)

by 1337_HAXZ0R May 7, 2014

765👍 288👎