LIGMA (Scientific name : Fornitenius virgonetis, publically-known name : Loose Internal Gene Mi-Asintits), also known as "The Fortnite Virus" or "Virgin Sickness" is a very deadly pathogen virus which causes exgreme damage to every aspect of the living being. They are believed to be in the same family spectrum as BOFA (Scientific name : Dreggius nutineies, publically-known name : Biologically Offset Farkwonian Asintits), or one stage higher. The disease causes extreme disruption to the immune system, and causes many complications in organs. The pathogen virus is extremely deadly, calculated to be over 557x worse than Ebola.
No one is sure whether the virus was created or a mutation of other virus, but we do know that the virus started spreading when the Fortnite streamer "Ninja" was killed by the virus. This event started the LIGMA outbreak. The virus can spread rapidly in a matter of seconds, but one weird aspect of the virus is that it only affects virgins, and non-virgins are completely immune to it. Although the virus still exists out there, the outbreak has been mostly contaminated by a scientist named Prof. Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, Ph. D.
The effects that LIGMA bring is still widely a mystery, but it is known that a person infected by it can die in the span of two days, and in some cases even a matter of seconds. There are currently no vaccine preventing the virus. But, although not effective, there are treatments to LIGMA that are untested.
"RIP Ninja, he died of LIGMA."
"Poor him, did he atleast tried the LIGMA-BALLS procedure?"
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BiteLord (or BiteLordism) is a movement group lead by BiteForce, based on the idea of unity under one cult.The movement started in the 2D sandbox MMO game Growtopia, around mid-2017 . It gained spark after numerous criticisms in it's forums stating that they're a "symbol of corruption" and "satanism", much like a Liberal talking about Communism, the best ideology ever.
As of 2018, BiteLordism has 60 known member, with 60 of them being loyal (100%). They have their own Growtopia guild, and it's own Discord server. Bitelordism is, as of 2018, the most successful group in Growtopia.
A : "Hey, wanna join BiteLordism?"
B : "Hell yeah! All hail BiteLord!"
30👍 45👎
A word that is sometimes used to symbolize a large amount of wealth, or a large sum of currency. Jamew is sometimes mistaken as a prefix.
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